
Willigis Jäger (1925.–2020.) duhovni je učitelj suvremene transkonfesionalne duhovnosti 21.
stoljeća. Učitelj je kršćanske mistične tradicije – kontemplacije i zena u liniji Sanbo-Kyodan i chan budizma. Osnivač je duhovnoga centra „Benediktushof“ u Holzkirchenu pokraj
Würzburga i mnogobrojnih centara diljem Njemačke. Također je osnivač zen linije „Prazni
oblak“, kontemplacijske linije „Oblak neznanja“ i Würzburške škole kontemplacije (danas
Würzburškog foruma kontemplacije).


Benediktushof is a spiritual centre that represents spiritual practices that seek to provide the modern man with the appropriate answers to life issues, and take into account contemporary views of the world we live in, including contemporary scientific research and achievements. It teaches the ways that lead to transpersonal experience with a wide range of courses and seminars. Benediktushof is also home to the contemplative line “The Cloud of Unknowing” and the Zen line “The Empty Cloud” founded by Willigis Jäger, as well as the Foundation and Society of Western and Eastern Wisdom.

The Western and Eastern Wisdom Society, founded in 2007 by Willigis Jäger and Dr. Hans Wielens, combines the wisdom of Eastern spiritual paths and Christian contemplative tradition, and acts as a forum of transconfessional spirituality based on all world religions. The Society explores, practices and teaches the fundamental structures of spiritual paths of Christianity and Eastern religions, and acts as a platform for guiding people towards transpersonal experience.


The Würzburg Contemplation Forum is a platform for meeting, exchanging and practicing Christian contemplative tradition, with the goal of reviving and incorporating it into the everyday life of today's man/society.


The Spiritual Centre in Sonnenhof near Aitern (Schwarzwald, Germany), founded by Willigis Jäger and Joan Rieck, where contemplation and Zen courses are held, as well as regular meetings of the Würzburg Contemplation Forum.


A network of people and groups of contemplative prayer devoted to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in everyday life. The largest organization, based in Butler(New Jersey), US, that promotes contemplative prayer today in the world. Started in 1986 under the guidance of Thomas Keating, a Cistercian monk and author of a series of significant books in that area.


The mission of the Centre for Action and Contemplation (CAC) is to acquaint spiritual seekers with the transformative wisdom of the Christian contemplative tradition and to encourage its service to the healing of our world. It is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where it was founded in 1986 by the Franciscan Richard Rohr, the author of numerous books and spiritual teacher.


Cynthia Bourgeault, an Episcopal priest and author of numerous books, puts her rich knowledge and experience in the practice of Christian contemplation at the service of teaching and spreading contemplative wisdom throughout the world. She is a lecturer at the Living School within the Center for Action and Contemplation, where she passes on ancient teachings on Christian wisdom and contemplative practice to her students in a contemporary way.