Contemplation – a mystical, spiritual path
that leads to unity with God
CONTEMPLATION is the central concept of the Christian mystical tradition. It is a mystical, spiritual path that leads to unity with the Ultimate, Divine Reality, with the Absolute, God. It also denotes a type of prayer considered to be the highest form of spiritual practice which prepares a man for the experience of unification with God and is, ultimately, a pure gift from God.
Ah, when I really was, I was God in God, only when I die to myself, I can be that again.
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Pregled događanja do kraja 2024. godine
Nastavljamo s redovnim okupljanjem petkom od 17:00 - 18:30 h u yoga studiju „Sve po špagi“, Ilica 169.
Uvodni tečaj kontemplacije u Zagrebu 16. ožujka 2024.
Otvaramo prijave za još jedan Uvodni tečaj kontemplacije.
Uvodni tečaj kontemplacije u Splitu 2. i 3. ožujka 2024.
Pred nama je još jedno druženje u tišini.