Neven Bradić

Born in 1967, M.Sc. History of Art. His meditation practice began in 1985 and today he is a spiritual teacher of contemplation.
Willigis Jäger

Willigis Jäger (1925.-2020.) duhovni je učitelj rodom iz Hösbacha pored Frankfurta u Njemačkoj. Benediktinac i zen učitelj danas živi u Centru za duhovne putove „Benediktushof“ u blizini Würzburga kojega je i osnovao 2003. godine.

Western and Eastern Wisdom Foundation (West-Östliche Weisheit) combines the wisdom of Eastern spiritual paths and Christian contemplative tradition, acting as a forum for trans-confessional spirituality
"The Cloud of Unknowing"

Willigis Jäger's newly founded contemplative line The Cloud of Unknowing was publicly presented on a celebration at Benediktushof on 24 June 2012.